Death of Martin Brandt
The Club’s longtime Chairman, Martin Brandt, died in November 2018 after a long battle against illness. Martin was one of the founders of the Club in 1984 and was never off the Committee. He had also been Chairman of our Regional Croquet Federation and organised one of its Leagues. He will be much missed.
Ian Harrison has taken over as Acting Chairman until our AGM in February.
Indoor winter croquet
Play croquet indoors on Saturday 23 February 2019 at Kempshott Methodist Church, Kempshott Lane, Basingstoke RG22 5LF from 10.00am to about 5.00pm.
We have a special mat and use full size balls, hoops and mallets. A gentle introduction to the real thing! Just come and go as you please.
The big move
From 1 April 2018, the Club and the U3A Croquet Section will be co-located with the Thornycroft Bowls Club at their site at St Andrew’s Road, Basingstoke, RG22 6PT.
Club and U3A activities will remain largely unchanged as the bowls club mainly use the green in the evenings.
With a pavilion and a superb playing surface this will be a vast improvement on conditions at our former Down Grange site.