2022 update and AC Advanced game
A further coaching module for Association Croquet dealing with the Advanced game
AC coaching module 1
Introduction to the game
Aims of the game
Background to croquet
Fundamentals of play
Basic terminology
Essentials of the 4-ball break
AC coaching module 2
Getting started
Laws of the game
Hoop and court terminology
Boundary and yard line
Corner balls
Beginning the game
AC coaching module 3
Strokes and handicaps
Strokes: the drive; personal ratio
the stop shot
roll strokes
Placing pioneers
Practice routine: circling the hoop
Handicaps: bisques and half-bisques
AC coaching module 4
Taking a bisque
Purpose of bisques
Setting up a break
Split shots
Tidying up the balls
To bisque or not to bisque?
AC coaching module 5
Building the break
Hoops 1 to Penult
AC coaching module 6
Picking it up
Which ball to play?
Establishing the break
AC coaching module 7
Errors, faults and wiring
Wiring and wiring lifts
Playing safe: the guarded leave
Faults, errors and rectification
Watching questionable strokes
Limit of claims
AC coaching module 8
Wrapping it up
The final break
Rover peels
Pegging out
Further information