Welcome to Basingstoke Croquet Club
Basingstoke Croquet Club 2024 season has now come to a end and the Club closed for the winter.
Play will resume again in April 2025 and we look forward to another busy and competitive year on the lawn.
A warm welcome back awaits all members.
New members are very welcome to join the Club and introductory coaching is offered to those fresh to the game. If you are interested in joining you can get in touch by the website or e mail info@basingstokecroquet.co.uk.

This site tells you about how to play croquet in Basingstoke.
There are two options:
option 1: Basingstoke Croquet Club offers the full range of croquet (explained below) and uses the lawn midweek and at weekends. See the separate Club page for details.
option 2: if you want to play informal "Golf Croquet" you can join the U3A (University of the Third Age) who have use of the facilities on five half-days each week. Please see the separate U3A page for details.
What is croquet?
There are two main types of croquet, both of which we play at the Club. Golf Croquet is a relatively simple game involving either two (singles) or four players (doubles) progressing their balls round the course. Association Croquet is rather more complicated and requires a variety of skills and a sense of tactics.
Croquet is rather like snooker played on a lawn. Instead of pockets on the table we have hoops and use mallets instead of a cue. In Association Croquet, just as in snooker, the idea is to build a “break” by putting your ball through the hoops in a certain order and using all the other three balls on the lawn. The Demonstration video gives you an idea of the game.
Who can play?
Anybody. Croquet is a game for all ages and both sexes, provided they can handle the mallet.
Do I need special kit?
No. You should wear flat soled shoes when on the lawn, otherwise just as you are. The club has some mallets for general use but most people eventually buy their own.
Where do we play?
We are co-located with the Thornycroft Bowls Club, St Andrew’s Road (off Pinkerton Road), South Ham, Basingstoke RG22 6PT. Park in the large car park on St Andrew’s Road at the end opposite the entrance. Walk down the path to your left and the Clubs are through the steel gate: turn right up the ramp.
When can I play?
Come to the Club on any Saturday morning from 10.00am to 1.00pm: you can learn more about the game, have a go and see if you like it.

Croquet twins
Basingstoke Croquet Club is twinned with Boras Croquet Club (Boraskrocketsallskap) in Sweden (see boraskrocketsallskap.wordpress.com) and with the Coolum Croquet Club in Queensland, Australia (http://www.coolum.com.au/display_listing.asp?id=1464&catid=652&cattype) and Benalla CC, Victoria, Australia (ClubSpark / Benalla Lawn Tennis Club / Benalla Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club - Events | Tennis Australia).
. We welcome opportunities to twin with croquet clubs in other parts of the world.