U3A Croquet Section

Why croquet?

Croquet is a very enjoyable game for people in the U3A.  We play informally and the focus is on enjoyment rather than winning!

Who can play?

Anybody eligible to join the U3A.  There is no differentiation between the sexes.


At the Thornycroft Bowls Club site, St Andrew’s Road, South Ham, Basingstoke  RG22


You can join a group to play on Mondays when we have three sessions across the day or Tuesdays when we have two. Sessions run for 2.5 hours.  Our season is from early April to the end of September.

How many people are involved?

At the moment there are about 55-60 people in the U3A Croquet Section.

U3A members can join the Club as Associate Members which means they can play on one designated session each week.  They may not participate in other Club activities unless they pay the difference  between the Associate Member subscription and the Full Member subscription.


You need to join the U3A (£40/year) which gives access to all their other activities.   Your Associate Membership of the Club (£20) is included in that fee.

How do I find out more?

See the Basingstoke U3A website at Basingstoke - Old Basing U3A (basingstokeu3a.org)


Alex Ball at info@basingstokecroquet.co.uk